Aug 12, 2005


Regarding the post below, Greg assures me he wasn't the guilty party that bemoaned the lack of respect for our Pirates.

Of course, East Carolina should be predicted to finish last. The team above us (Central Florida) boasts a proven coach (George O'Leary) who's already had a year to turn a bad team around. Albeit, Central Florida didn't win a game last year, but that only tops our win total by two. And our new Coach just arrived. Don't forget how Skip's father did during his first year at South Carolina in 1999.

By the way, I thought we weren't ever going to play Central Florida again after they broke Marcus Crandell's leg.

1 comment:

Robb said...

You are correct about the promise to never play UCF again. The guilty part was, I believe, Ezekial Ekiar (sp?).