Sep 8, 2008

The Cops in Greenvile Haven't Changed

According to a story in the Daily Reflector, officers were told that they should try to deter fans by making themselves visible, but if that failed, officers were to step back and focus on making sure that those on the field stayed safe. Doesn't sound like that happened:

The East Carolina University Police Department is investigating accounts of police brutality and excessive use of force Saturday following the Pirates' win over West Virginia University at Dowdy-Ficklen Stadium.

Investigators are interviewing witnesses and analyzing photos and videotapes, University Police Chief Scott Shelton said in a news release.

Click here for rest of story.

Here are some YouTube videos that I'm sure will be used as evidence. Look in the bottom right of the first video. We have no idea what the kid who is getting his face pounded in did, but we can guess that he needs some new teeth:

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